Which operation was conducted by India to take over the Siachen glacier?

Asked 28-Mar-2019
Viewed 1913 times


Which operation was conducted by India to take over the Siachen glacier?

1 Answer


To take over the Siachen Glacier the operation ‘Meghdoot’ was conducted by the Indian Army. ‘Meghdoot’ is a famous Sanskrit poem by Kalidas, in English, the name means that ‘Cloud Messenger’.

Which operation was conducted by India to take over the Siachen glacier?

Operation Meghdoot was a code name given by the Indian Armed Forces to carry out the operation and take the full control over Siachen Glacier from Pakistan. On April 13, 1984, the operation was successfully completed by the Indian Army. It was the first battlefield which has been taken place at the highest point in the world. However, India took the glacier under its power, but still, the dispute has been continuing from more than 3 decades.
The dispute over Siachen Glacier has been virtually hidden from the public view, but still, the world’s highest conflict is moving into its 4th decade. Today, the deployment of the Indian Army is very active over Siachen Glacier and is known as ‘Actual Ground Position Line’ (AGPL). This Siachen Glacier battlefield is at an altitude of about 6,400 meters (21,000 ft.). After the dispute, since then both countries Armed Forces are actively present at their point and guarding the glacier against any type of miscreant activity.
The height is the biggest factor which doesn’t allow people or Armed forces to present there and causes the life of more than 2000 people in this inhospitable terrain. The conflict between India and Pakistan over Siachen Glacier exists because the 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement there is no clear mentioning about the control over the glacier. It was because the United Nations officials presumed that there would be no conflict between both the countries as it is a very cold and barren region where life is not at all easy. At present over Siachen Glacier there are more than 3000 Soldiers are holding their post from India, whereas, the strength of Pakistani soldier is almost same i.e. of 3000 soldiers.