When was Indian Independence Act passed, by whom and on the basis of what plan?

Asked 6 years ago
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When was Indian Independence Act passed, by whom and on the basis of what plan?

1 Answer


The Indian Independence Act was an Act of the British Parliament that granted independence to India from the Colonial rule of the British Raj. It was passed by the British Parliament on June 3, 1947, and the proclamatory of the Indian Independence Act was done on August 15, 1947.

The Indian Independence Act was passed on the basis of the plan proposed by the British Government, which was known as the Mountbatten Plan. The Mountbatten Plan was announced on June 3, 1947, by the then Viceroy of India Lord Louis Mountbatten. It proposed a partition of the Indian subcontinent into two sovereign states – India and Pakistan. It was accepted by the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League.

The Indian Independence Act declared India a free and sovereign state on August 15, 1947. It also provided the legal framework for the formation of the dominions of India and Pakistan and the transfer of power between them. The Indian Independence Act was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In the act, the British Parliament declared that India was to be a republic, with the power to draft its own constitution and to form its own government.

The Indian Independence Act also provided for the division of the Indian Armed Forces, the transfer of British troops from India, and the transfer of certain assets to the new governments of India and Pakistan. It also provided for the establishment of a Constituent Assembly in India and Pakistan to frame the respective constitutions.

The Indian Independence Act finally put an end to British rule in India and Pakistan, paving the way for the two countries to become independent and sovereign states in their own right. It was the result of several decades of struggle by the people of India and Pakistan against the colonial rule of the British Raj. The Act of Indian Independence is an important milestone in the history of India and Pakistan, and it marks the beginning of a new era of freedom, democracy, and self-determination in the subcontinent.

answered 2 years ago by Subhamay Ganai

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