Why are Islamists targeting Hindu girls so much by force or using soft influence?

Asked 08-Dec-2022
Viewed 556 times


Why are Islamists targeting Hindu girls so much by force or using soft influence?

1 Answer


In recent years, the world has seen a surge in the number of cases of Hindu girls being targeted by Islamists. This is an alarming trend that has left many in the Hindu community feeling vulnerable and threatened.

The most common form of targeting is through force, with reports of abduction, physical and sexual assault, and forced conversion to Islam. In some cases, parents have even been threatened with death if they refuse to give up their daughters.

In addition to this, Islamists are also known to use soft influence to target Hindu girls. This can include using social media and other online platforms to spread messages of hate and intolerance, as well as encouraging young women to convert to Islam. This can be especially effective when Islamists are able to gain access to vulnerable young women with limited access to education and support networks.

So why are Islamists targeting Hindu girls so much? 

Why are Islamists targeting Hindu girls so much by force or using soft influence

The answer lies in the fact that Hindus are seen as “infidels” in the eyes of many Islamists. This perception is based on the idea that Hindus do not follow the same religion as Islam and therefore need to be “converted” to the Islamic faith. In addition to this, many Islamists also view Hindu girls as being “easy targets”. Hindu girls are often seen as being vulnerable, with limited access to education and support networks. This makes them easier to manipulate and control, which is why Islamists are drawn to them.

Secondly, it is believed that the targeting of Hindu girls is a result of the Islamic tradition of a “family honor system” in which the group’s individual members must defend their honor or face being ostracized from the group. This concept is based on the idea that Muslim men are expected to protect and provide for their women. As such, any perceived insult or slight against a woman in the group could be interpreted as a threat to the group’s honor and, in response, the men may choose to attack or target a Hindu girl to restore their honor.

Thirdly, it is argued that the targeting of Hindu girls is related to the concept of “honor killings” in which girls, or even women, who are perceived as having dishonored their families or communities are killed for their perceived transgressions. This is seen as a way of defending the group’s honor and is often seen as a way to protect the group’s reputation and social standing.

Finally, it is possible that the targeting of Hindu girls is an attempt to force them to convert to Islam. This could be motivated by a desire to expand the Islamic faith and spread its influence in the region. Additionally, it could be seen as a way to ensure the loyalty of the Hindu girls who are targeted and to ensure the future of the Islamic faith in the region.


Whatever the motives behind the targeting of Hindu girls, it is clear that this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. It is important to understand the reasons behind this targeting so that effective measures can be put in place to protect Hindu girls from any form of coercion or violence. Additionally, it is important to take steps to ensure that such attacks are not seen as acceptable behavior in the region and to ensure that no group is targeted on the basis of their religious beliefs.

The best way to combat this issue is by creating a safe and secure environment for Hindu girls. This means providing resources and support for young girls so that they can gain access to education, support networks, and other forms of assistance. It also means working with local authorities and religious organizations to ensure that any cases of targeting are reported and taken seriously.

By doing this, we can help to protect Hindu girls from the dangers of Islamist targeting and ensure that they can live in safety and security.