Article 124(2) of the Constitution of India speaks about the provision of
retirement age of Supreme Court judges, which is 65 years.
The judges of the Supreme Court can hold the office of the judiciary for up to 65 years and in special cases,
it can be removed by the process in which only the President can initiate the process by signing a removal letter and later on it should be present before both the houses of the Parliament. The Houses of Parliament should pass the
Bill by two-Third of the majority of the total membership and the present members.

Article 124 of the Indian Constitution
The article tells about the establishment and constitution of the
Supreme Court of India.
Section 1 of the article says that there shall be a Supreme Court of India constituting
one Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and others Judges not more than seven judges but, the
number can only be increased with the help of the
Parliament of the country.
Section 2 of the article says every judge of the Supreme Court should be appointed by the President
of the country by warrant under his hand and giving the seal by proper
consultation of such judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Court, as it seems to be necessary. And
shall hold the office until the age of 65 years. And in the appointment of the judges other than the Chief Justice, the consultation of the
Chief Justice will be constituted.
Sub-clause an of section 2 of the above article speaks about the resignation of the judges;
The judge can sign a resignation letter by his own hand and give it directly
to the President
And it can also be removed by the process of presenting a Bill in Parliament with the signature of the President.