Which Space Technology Incubation Centre is serving the East Region?

Asked 3 years ago
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Which Space Technology Incubation Centre is serving the East Region?

1 Answer


The Indian Space Research Organisation signed MoU with the National Institute of technology of Rourkela and tied up with it to establish the Space Technology Incubation Center in March 18 2021.

Which Space Technology Incubation Centre is serving the East Region?

Purpose of this Incubation
  • Space Technology Incubation Center is a novel initiation taken by the ISRO chairman to tie up with the Academia, research and development institution, and many other science-related institutions in different regions of the country. The main objective of this initiation is to inculcate interest and enthusiasm among the new young researchers and the final year graduate. This new idea of the ISRO will help the students of the universities to understand Space Technology differently. The center will get many projects from the ISRO in which they will develop and build the projects with the help of own research and once it is completed it will be sent to the ISRO office, they will check the functioning of the project and ones the project is verified with the scientist of the agency they are eligible to be counted as a part of ISRO’s project. ISRO planned to generate 5 more Incubation centers in a different part of India, and this is the first of such type. The memorandum was signed by the chairman of the ISRO and the Chief Minister of Tripura, including the head of the NIT Rourkela.

Director of Rourkela Prof. Animesh Biswas narration
He expresses huge gratitude to the OISRO’s Chairman and the Director of the CBPO for selecting NIT Rourkela for setting up S-TIC in the eastern region. And said that NIT Rourkela is the best in sponsoring the Research & Industrial Consultancy is one among the best in the country. said that ISRO support will enhance our Research Infrastructure. This Space Technology Incubation center is established in a dedicated place at the Golden Jubilee building in NIT Rourkela. And he said that in the center new facilities are going to be created to carry out the ISRO’s projects, developments of the product/Prototype he said;

answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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