“India” is the host country of the Intersessional meeting of Kimberley Process. The meeting was organized in Mumbai, India, from June 17th to 21st of 2019.

More than 300 delegate countries have participated in the inter-sessional meeting of the Kimberley Process.
Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi, the Kimberley Process Chair-India and
Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) hosted and addressed all the Kimberley Process participants from the 82 countries.
Since 2003, India has been an active participant in the Kimberley Process
Certification Scheme process and is a member of all the Working Groups of Kimberley Process. The Kimberley Process is a joint initiative involving the
Government of various countries, International Diamond Industry and the Civil
Society to garner the flow of the Conflict Diamonds in the market.
The working groups and committees meet to discuss over issues on regular basis through the medium of teleconferences and by the exchange of mails, as well as to conduct meeting twice in a year for an in-person meeting at the Intersessional and Plenary meetings organized by the Kimberley Process Chair. At present, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) has 55 members under it and representing 82
countries including the
European Union with other 28 participant members.
At present, the KPCS works on 4Cs i.e. Cut, Clarity, Colour & Carat of the diamond. It is expected that this may soon be expanded to 5Cs with the 5th C being the meaning of ‘Conflict-free’. Then, the
new 5Ps of diamond
marketing will be Precious, Popular, Prestige, and Priceless. It will include ‘Peace’ diamonds as well.