According to the Forbes data, the Net Worth of “P.V. Ramprasad Reddy” is $2.9 Billion. He is the owner of a pharmaceutical company ‘Aurobindo Pharma’.

He co-founded the pharmaceutical company with his brother-in-law in the year 1986. As far as his education is concerned in this field, let me tell you, he is just a Post Graduate in Commerce Stream. His company works towards making drugs for the treatment of diseases like Cardiac Ailment and Diabetes. According to Forbes, he is the 27th Richest person in India and ranks 688th in the World’s Richest person. His company rose to generate more revenue after the Import ban has been lifted by the United States FDA which was imposed over the manufacturing lapses in the year 2011. After this, his company shares have almost doubled. The sale of the pharmaceutical increases and the business expanded in Europe and putting its best foot forward to establish the company as one of the best generic medicine providers.
The company earns its most of the revenue from International Market, which covers about 125 countries for the operation and especially earns revenue from Europe and the United States Market. Reddy is the Executive Chairman of Aurobindo Pharma USA Inc. and Aurobindo Pharma Limited from June 1, 2012. He holds other position as well which are the subsidiary companies of the Aurobindo Pharma Limited, like the Director of APL Pharma Thai Limited, The APL Holdings Inc., Aurobindo Tongling, Aurobindo Bio-Pharm Co. Ltd. He is also the full-time Director of the Aurobindo Pharma Ltd.
According to the World Pharmaceutical Frontier in 2008, he is in the top 35 influential people in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Reddy and his wife Suneela Rani holds about 38% of the shares of the Aurobindo Pharma.