The first ‘Burglar Alarm’ was invented by ‘Reverend Augustus Russell Pope’ and patented the device in the year 1853. Russell Pope was from Somerville, Massachusetts.

Later, in the year 1857, Popes’ patent rights were acquired by ‘Edwin T. Holmes’ for US$1500. He bought the patent right of the Burglar Device to sell the product commercially and manufactured the device in his factory at Boston, Massachusetts. After that, he started the selling of the product in the year 1858.
In the initial phase, people were not so confident to use the product with electricity, so the business didn’t do well in the city. Therefore, he searched for the new market to sell his product, in this process he shifted his business to New York in the year 1859. The city was at that time considered as the place where all the burglars from the country made their homes. And his initiative got successful, as within a short period of time i.e. by the end of the year 1866 he installed about 1,200 home alarms in the city. This made the business successful in the city. Then he tried his hand in other cities as well by the help from his son. Their second city to establish this venture was Boston.
In 1878, Edwin Holmes became the President of the ‘Bell Phone Company’ which was newly established at that time. In spite of that, after 2 years, he sold his interests in US$100,000 whereas, he kept the rights to use the telephone line of the company for easing the work of his Alarm System. Then in 1905, the ‘American Telephone and Telegraph Company’ occupied the Holmes Burglar System business. Which ease the peoples work by making an emergency phone call to contact with Police and Fire Fighting Personnel.