Who invented the Telephone?

Asked 30-Aug-2018
Viewed 695 times

1 Answer


“Alexander Graham Bell” invented the first practical Telephone. Before Graham Bell, many other peoples tried their hands in the invention of Telephone by they didn’t succeed in developing the practical version of the Telephone. People who tried to develop the Telephone are as following; Charles Grafton Page, Innocenzo Manzetti, Charles Bourseul, Johann Philipp Reis, Antonio Meucci.

Who invented the Telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell was a Scientist, Innovator, Inventor, Engineer and Professor Teacher of the deaf and was born in Scotland on March 3, 1847. In 1885, the ‘American Telephone and Telegraph Company’ (AT&T) was founded by him. His mother and wife both were deaf, which inspired Bell to research on hearing and speech and lead him to be awarded the first U.S. Patent for the Telephone in 1876.
An Innovators Awards has been introduced in India on his name “Aegis Graham Bell Award” recognizes good work by innovators in India. Awards are given to innovators in IT and Telecom Sector from the year 2010.