The novel “The Flood of Fire” was written by the Indian Novelist “Amitav Ghosh” in 2015. It is the third part of his previous writings namely, First part ‘Sea of Poppies’ in 2008 and Second part ‘River of Smoke’ in 2011. The Series of the novel is named as ‘Ibis Trilogy’. The series was based on the Opium Trade between India and China during the 19th Century.

The books were published by the “John Murry’ Publication House. The book received many good and favorable reviews. The book was very well written, its linguistic playfulness is most evident in the story. Flood of Fire is a very thrilling and richly populated novel, completely soaked within the wealth of historical detail, with the magic of the place and plotted with verve.
‘The Flood of Fire’ received the “Crossword Book Jury Award” in Fiction Category in the year 2015 and was also shortlisted in the “The Hindu Literary Prize”.