The chief minister of any state is not eligible to vote in the election process of the President of the Country if the CM is a member of the Upper House of the state Legislature.

Article related to the President’s Election
Article 59 of the Indian Constitution has the provision in which it has been given that there will the election of the President of India and also the manner has been included in the article.
Also in article 52 states the president of India will be the head of the Indian state and also he is called the first citizen of the nation.
Article 53
The article tells that all the executive power has been vested in the president of the country and the power can be directly or indirectly shall be exercised either by the subordinate officers or the officers who are subordinate to him by the constitution.
Article 54 The election of the President has been described in the article and says that the president will be elected by the electoral college consisting of the following members.
The elected member of both the houses of Parliament.
And the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the states.
Article 55
It has a provision that tells about the manner of the election.
Article 56 of the Indian constitution says about the term of the president.
Article 57 tells about the re-election of the president.
Article 58 tells about the qualifications for the election of the president.
Article 59 tells about the conditions of the president’s office.
Article 60 tells about the oath and affirmation of the president.
Article 61 has the provision about the Impeachment process.
Article 62 of the Indian Constitution has the provision that tells about the time of holding election to fill the vacancy in the office of President including the term of office.
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