Is it possible to lose 1kg in 1 week?

Asked 10-Mar-2018
Viewed 1339 times

1 Answer


Yes, it’s definitely possible to reduce 1kg weight within a week it just depends upon your diet and workout schedule. The most important segment in your weight loss depends upon the amount of calorie you are able to burn and you should be in a calorie deficit mode.

Is it possible to lose 1kg in 1 week?

Suppose you are consuming 2000 calorie each day with your respective diet you must also burn at least 3000 calories through which you will be able to burn 1000 calorie each day. The whole process of weight loss depends upon the amount of calorie you are able to burn each passing day. Calorie deficit is the mainstream aspect of losing weight.

You can visit html to calculate your daily calorie burning. A man should not eat less than 1600 calorie in a day and a woman should not eat less than 1200 calorie. Losing weight is a systematic and steady process and you have to follow a proper diet and a work out plan.

Basic reasons for a weight gain

  • Not exercising
  • Taking heavy dinner
  • Late night eating while studying 
  • Taking nap after eating in the afternoon
  • Eating junk food, fried food, and sugar-rich food in snacks. 

Things to do for weight loss  

    • Doing body weight training and cardio in the gym
    • Eating in small portion after every 2 to 3 hours
    • Eating very light dinner
    • Making healthy choices while eatingat restaurants
    • Usually no naps in the afternoon especially after having lunch

    you must read this: Tips to lose weight