What is the difference between a cloud backup and a local backup?

Asked 28-Mar-2023
Updated 03-Apr-2023
Viewed 325 times


What is the difference between a cloud backup and a local backup?


1 Answer


A backup is a copy of important data that can be used to restore it in the event of data loss or corruption. Local backups and cloud backups are two different methods of creating and storing backup copies of data.

Local backups are typically stored on physical devices such as external hard drives, USB drives, or network-attached storage (NAS) devices. These backups are created using software installed on a computer or server, and the data is stored locally. Local backups can be performed automatically on a schedule or manually as needed. The advantages of local backups include speed, control over data, and the ability to recover data even if internet access is unavailable. However, the disadvantages include limited storage capacity, the possibility of losing data due to physical damage or theft, and the need for additional hardware.

What is the difference between a cloud backup and a local backup

Cloud backups, on the other hand, are created by copying data to remote servers over the internet. This method of backup is often used by individuals and organizations that do not have the resources or expertise to manage their own backups. The advantages of cloud backups include unlimited storage capacity, automatic backups, and the ability to access data from anywhere with an internet connection. However, the disadvantages include reliance on internet connectivity, potential security concerns, and ongoing costs.