Why are there more Indian-American CEOs?

Asked 05-Sep-2022
Viewed 441 times

1 Answer


Complex reasons 

The number of Indian-American CEOs has increased, and the reasons behind this are complex. There are several reasons why there are more Indian-American CEOs than ever before. 

The first reason is that although there are many successful Indian-American entrepreneurs, they have not yet been able to take their companies public. This means their business and personal wealth is not publicly visible and does not give them the level of exposure necessary for other entrepreneurs.

Another reason for the increase in Indian-American CEOs is that Asian Americans are becoming more visible in society because of their success in business. Many people believe that Asians are less likely to succeed than other ethnic groups, but this is not true when it comes to Asian American business owners. In fact, these individuals often face discrimination from their peers because of their success in business. The fact that so many people see Asian Americans as successful leaders can help change perceptions about the potential for success among all ethnic groups.

There are more Indian-American CEOs because they are better at holding onto power than their white counterparts.

White people tend to be less willing to work with people of color, especially in high-powered positions. This is because they feel threatened by the presence of an outsider who could hold them accountable for their actions. As a result, white people tend to be more likely to need to surround themselves with other white people in order to feel safe—and this can cause them to overlook the value that any given person brings to the table.

In contrast, when Indians are in positions of power, they have a much easier time finding and working with people from other ethnic backgrounds because it doesn't threaten them like it does for whites. This allows them to be more inclusive, resulting in greater diversity within the company's ranks.

Case Study

The number of Indian-American CEOs is increasing at a rate that's faster than the national population. According to a study conducted by Stanford University and Reputation Institute, there were 16 Indian-Americans in the Fortune 500 list in 2017. The same study found that over the past decade, there has been an increase of 150% in the number of Indian-American CEOs.

The reasons behind this trend are not entirely clear, but it is believed that one major factor is a growing confidence among Indian-Americans in America's economic opportunities. This can be attributed to both their own personal experiences as well as their parents' experiences before them.

Another factor could be the fact that many Indians who immigrate to America have historically worked as doctors and lawyers before taking on managerial roles at fortune 500 companies.

My opinion 

The number of Indian-American CEOs has risen significantly in recent years. The reason for this increase is a combination of factors, including: 

Why are there more Indian-American CEOs?

1. The growing demand for skilled labor in the US, which has pushed up wages and created more opportunities for skilled workers to move into management positions;

2. The increasing interest among Indian-Americans in becoming entrepreneurs; and

3. The fact that many Indian-American immigrants have received education from American schools and are therefore more likely to be able to speak English well enough to qualify for senior management roles at large companies.