Who appoints judges to the Allahabad High Court?

Asked 05-Sep-2022
Viewed 975 times

1 Answer


Appointment of the Chief justice of the High Court or the Justice of the High Court is a matter of the Constitution of India. Under the provision of Article 217, the appointment of the judges in the High Court including the Allahabad High Court is made with the help of the Chief Justice of India and the Governor of the state.

Who appoints judges to the Allahabad High Court?

Article 217, the first clause of the article defines the lines in which it has been inscribed that every judge of a High Court will receive the appointment by the President by warrant under his hand and seal after consultation of the Chief Justice of India including with the governor of the state.

The article includes many other crucial facts about the Judges of the High Courts of India including the conditions of the office. 

Some other general qualifications to hold the chair of the judge in the High Court

  • He/she should be a citizen of India
  • Has at least 10 years of experience in judicial office in the territory of India
  • A judge can be removed from his office under the order of the President with the consultation of the Chief justice of India.
  • A judge can resign from his office by submitting his resignation letter to the President under his hand addressed
  • If any questions arise related to the age of the judges of the High Court, the President will decide with the consultation of the Chief Justice of India.

Wants to know more about the Allahabad High Court click below

When was the Allahabad High Court established?