Will people actually use Pinterest in the long run or is it just a fad?

Asked 23-Mar-2022
Viewed 449 times


Will people actually use Pinterest in the long run or is it just a fad?

1 Answer


  • Millions of people follow the website. It's also popular at all hours of the day and night. For example, 4.8 percent of Pinterest users in the United States use the site during work hours.
  • And what exactly do people do on Pinterest They're pinning pins, repinning pins (80% of pins are repins), making boards, and following other interesting boards.
  • If you ask us, it's quite Pinteresting. The site's popularity does not appear to be waning anytime soon.
  • Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to visually share and find new interests by pinning images or videos to their own or others' boards (a collection of 'pins' with a common topic) and viewing what other users have pinned.

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