What makes Telegram groups cool?

Asked 14-Mar-2022
Viewed 536 times

1 Answer


What makes Telegram groups cool?
  • Telegram groups are highly strong communication tools with up to 200,000 members. Here are a few major aspects that set them apart from the competition in the messaging space:
  • History as a whole-After you've posted your messages, go back and edit them, then delete them so they're no longer visible to others.
  • Availability on several platforms-You may access your messages from any of your mobile or desktop devices at any time.
  • Instantaneous research-Even if there are millions of messages, you can find the one you're looking for. To make finding easier, sort by sender.
  • Comments, mentions, and hashtags-No matter how big the gathering is, you can easily trace a conversation and keep communication flowing.
  • Notifications that are intelligent-To receive notifications only when individuals mention you or reply to your messages, mute the group.
  • Messages that have been pinned-Any message can be pinned and shown at the top of the chat screen. Even if they have muted routine communications from your group, all members will receive a notification.
  • Tools for moderation-Designate administrators who will be able to remove messages in bulk, manage membership, and pin critical communications. Define their admin privileges to the best possible extent.
  • Permissions by group-Set default permissions for all members to prevent them from posting certain types of content. Alternatively, prevent members from sending messages entirely and let the administrators communicate amongst themselves while the rest of the world watches.

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