How do I make my blog qualify for AdSense?

Asked 14-Feb-2022
Viewed 427 times

1 Answer


Steps to make your blog qualify for AdSense:

  • Your work must be of excellent quality, unique, and appealing to a wide audience.
  • Before you sign up, make sure your site complies with our Program regulations. Keep in mind that we have the right to amend our policies at any moment, and it is your obligation to stay current with them as stated in our Terms & Conditions.
  • We can only accept applications from people who are at least 18 years old.
  • Purchase a unique domain name.
  • Create a professional email address with Google Apps.
  • Pages like About and Contact should be included.
  • Make sure your BlogSpot design is simple.
  • Have at least 20 blog posts that are well-written.
  • Make sure you don't utilise any photographs that are protected by copyright.

Read More : Why won't my site get approved for Google AdSense? What can I do?