Check to see if your mobile device has a strong internet connection. Restart your device if you're having trouble connecting.
Step 1: Make sure your Google app is up to date.
- Go to the Google app page in the Google Play Store on your Android phone or tablet.
- Update by pressing the Update button. You already have the most recent version of the page that says 'Installed.'
Step 2: Verify that Hey Google is enabled.
- Say 'Hey Google, open Assistant settings' on your Android phone or tablet.
- Tap Voice Match in the 'Popular settings' section.
- Set up Voice Match and enable Hey Google.
Step 3: Examine your Assistant's phrasing.
- Say 'Hey Google, open Assistant settings' on your Android phone or tablet.
- Tap Languages under 'All settings.'
- If you need to change the language of your Assistant, follow these steps:
- Select your preferred language.
- Select a new language for your Assistant to communicate in.
Step 4: Disable Battery Saver and Adaptive Battery Management.
- Open the Android Settings app on your Android phone or tablet.
- Activate the battery:
- Tap Battery Saver and then Turn Off Now to turn off the device.
- Adaptive Battery: Tap Adaptive Battery, then turn it off.
- Say 'Hey Google' on the fifth step.
- Say 'Hey Google' to see if the problem has been resolved. To ensure that the Google Assistant hears your voice, do the following:
- Turn off background noise or go somewhere calmer if you're in a noisy environment.
- Say 'Hey Google' in a regular conversational tone.