Under which act can a person be prosecuted if he is found to be drunk in a city?

Asked 3 years ago
Viewed 379 times


Under which act can a person be prosecuted if he is found to be drunk in a city?

1 Answer


A drunker can be prosecuted under the liquor laws of the state

The subject of alcohol and drinking comes in the seventh schedule of the constitution of India, thus the Laws that govern the sale and consumption of alcohol vary from state to state. In the Indian Penal Code of 1860, section 510 of this code has the provision to punish.

Under which act can a person be prosecuted if he is found to be drunk in a city?

This section has the provision to punish a person who makes himself a Drunker by consumption of the alcohol and making some annoyance act which is creating disturbing in the public. And this act of that accused will be considered as trespass in respect of the other person’s privacy. The punishment for such a man is imprisonment which should be no more than 24 hours or a fine of 10 rupees and in severe conditions, it can be both.

In the jurisdiction of Police, the provision that they have is the imposing of fine and if any person is found in the drinking state in the public place it will be fined with 5000 rupees and if he is creating annoyance in the public place than this fine can be increased by 5000 and he will be fined with 10000 rupees.

This article imposes a certain restriction on the states do not to sell any such intoxicating substances that can cause a fatal effect and which will decline the ratio of nutrition and health in the human body. Adding this, this says that it is the primary duty of every state to prohibit such consumption to improve the standard of health.

According to this section the person who is in the drunker state and during in that state he is driving the vehicle. And, the percentage of the consumption is exceeded by this amount 30mg. per 100 ml of blood then that person will be said to commit an offence that is illegal by this section. And will be punished under the imprisonment of either 6 months of imprisonment or the fine of 2000 rupees and sometimes with both. And if the same person is found to be at the same fault again, then he will be punished with 2 years of imprisonment or a fine of 3000 or with both.

answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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