what are the unknown harmful impact of global warming?

Asked 08-Feb-2020
Viewed 905 times

2 Answers


what are the unknown harmful impact of global warming?

Global warming or rising global temperatures mean that the Earth is constantly warming. Scientists say that in the coming days, the drought will increase, the incidence of floods will increase and the weather patterns will look completely changed.

What is global warming?
In simple terms, global warming means 'the rise in the temperature of the earth and the changes in the weather due to it' as a result of this increase in the temperature of the earth (which is estimated at 10 Fahrenheit at an average temperature of 100 years). Changes in rain methods, melting of glaciers and glaciersThe rise in sea level and the effects of flora and fauna on the world can be exposed.A common man does not understand how big a problem global warming is. He finds the term a bit technical. Therefore he does not go to the bottom of it. It is therefore left as a scientific definition. Most people feel that the world is currently under no threat from this.

Global warming is also not a prevalent word in India and it has no meaning even for the Indians who are part of the race. But talking about the world of science, predictions are being made about global warming. It is being described as the biggest threat of the 21st century. This threat is believed to be greater than the third world war or an asteroid hitting the earth.

Greenhouse gases are the most responsible for climate change due to global warming. Green house gases are gases that absorb heat or heat coming from outside. Greenhouse gases are commonly used in extremely cold areas to keep those plants warm, which get damaged in extreme cold weather. In such a situation, these plants are kept in a closed glass house and green house gas is filled in the glass house. This gas absorbs the heat of the rays coming from the sun and keeps the plants warm. The same process happens with the Earth. Some amount of heat of the rays coming from the sun is absorbed by the earth. Greenhouse gases circulating in our environment have a significant contribution in this process.

If these gases did not exist in us, the temperature on Earth would have been much lower than the current.

One of the most important gases in greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, which we living animals emit with our breath. Environmental scientists say that the amount of carbon dioxide gas on the Earth has steadily increased over the years. Scientists suggest a deep correlation between carbon dioxide emissions and temperature rise. In 2006, a documentary film came out - The Incredible Truth. This documentary film focused on temperature rise and carbon emission. The film had a lead role - US Vice President 'Al Gore' and the film was directed by David Guggenheim. In this film, global warming was depicted as a nettle, the main reason being believed to be human activity-generated carbon dioxide gas. The film was widely acclaimed all over the world and the film also received the Oscar Award for Best Documentary. Although the research work is being done by scientists on global warming, the belief is that carbon emissions are responsible for the temperature rise on the Earth, which is caused by human activity. It is also having an impact on the political developments of the world. In 1988, the 'Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change' was formed. In 2007, this inter-governmental team and the then US Vice President 'Al Gore' were given the Nobel Peace Prize.

I.P.C.C. In fact, there is an inter-governmental scientific organization that collects and analyzes all social and economic information related to climate change. The IPCC was formed in 1988 during the General Assembly of the United Nations. The team itself does not conduct research nor does it monitor various climatic factors. Based on research papers published in reputed journals, the team reaches out to the governments and general public through its reports on human-caused factors affecting climate. I.P.C.C. According to the report, anthropogenic greenhouse gases are presently responsible for the temperature rise in the environment, which has the highest amount of carbon dioxide.
what are the unknown harmful impact of global warming?
This report states that anthropogenic carbon emissions account for 90 percent of global warming. While Prof. you are. Rao, based on his research, is saying that only 40 percent of global warming contributes to cosmic radiation. Apart from this, there are many other factors which contribute to global warming and research work is going on on them.
Former chairman of ISRO and physicist Prof. ISRO you are. Rao writes in his research paper that cosmic radiation from space to Earth is directly related to solar activity. If the sun's activity increases, cosmic radiation from the universe plays a major role in the formation of low-level clouds. This was first offered by scientists named Svensmark and Christensen. Low-level clouds reflect radiation from the sun, which causes the heat that comes with the radiation from the sun on Earth to be reflected back into the universe.

Scientists found that since 1925, the activity of the sun steadily increased. Due to which there has been a reduction of about 9 percent in the cosmic radiation that falls on the Earth. The decrease in this radiation has also reduced the formation of certain low-level clouds formed on the Earth, so that the radiation from the sun is absorbed and due to this the increase in the temperature of the Earth can be predicted. . Pro. According to Rao's conclusion, this process contributes 40 percent to global warming, whereas the process of climate change related to cosmic radiation is not generated by human activity, nor can humans handle it. In this way, this research I.P.CC. denies the conclusion that humans contribute 90 percent to global warming. If other factors of global warming are studied, then human activities contribute to global warming. Will be much lower than reported.

Pro. Just two days after the publication of this paper of Rao, Prof. of the University of Leeds in the world's famous scientific journal Nature. Andrew Shepherd's research paper was published, which stated that it would take longer than the time for the Greenland ice to melt. The fourth report states. Andrew Shepherd writes in his paper that Greenland ice is relatively safe, it will take a long time to melt. In 1999, Dr. Vk Raina during his research had found that Himalayan glaciers are also relatively safe.

However, Prof. Some scientists have also done research in this direction on the interrelationship between cosmic radiation and the process of low-level clouds, but so far cosmic radiation from Earth to Earth and low-level clouds on Earth Of the world on the interrelations of cloud formationThere is no consensus among all the scientists.It is also necessary to mention here that scientists have decided to carry out a series of experiments with the help of 'Large Hadron Collider' of the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN) to reach a correct conclusion on this whole issue. This experiment has just started recently and it is expected that the results will start coming soon. The project has been named 'Cosmic Leaving Outdoor'. In this project, the subjects related to the effect of cosmic radiation on the formation of clouds on Earth, impact on climate change, etc. are being studied and researched on related topics. This is going to be the first time in the history of climate science that a high energy part accelerator will be used on climate related issues. Hopefully after the completion of this experiment, our understanding of this whole subject will be further developed.

Dangerous result
what are the unknown harmful impact of global warming?
Green house gas is the gas that enters the earth’s atmosphere and becomes a factor in increasing the temperature here. According to scientists, if the emission of these gases continues in this way, then in the 21st century, the temperature of the Earth can rise from 3 ° to 8 ° C. If this happens, the consequences will be very fatal. In many parts of the world, snow sheets will melt, the sea level will rise by several feet. Due to this behaviour of the sea, many parts of the world will be submerged, causing great destruction. This catastrophe will be greater than the devastation caused by any World War or any ‘Asteroid’ hitting the earth. This situation will also be very harmful for our planet Earth.

There is no cure to stop global warming. It can be fought only by spreading awareness about it. We have to make our earth truly ‘green’. Your carbon footprints (the measure of carbon emissions per capita) have to be reduced.
The more we keep the environment around us free from pollution, the greater the role we will play in saving this earth.
Emission of greenhouse gases

Global warming
It is believed that this will increase the humidity in tropical deserts. Even in the plains, there will be such heat as never before in history. Due to this, various types of fatal diseases will arise. We have to keep in mind that we should not make nature so angry that it is bent on destroying our existence. We have to take care of all these things.

Today every person talks about the environment. Thinks of pollution prevention measures. Individuals are becoming aware of their rights to live in a clean and pollution free environment and understand their obligations. The world is currently grappling with questions of global warming. To find out the answer to this question, experiments and discoveries have been done by scientists in many countries of the world. According to him, if the rate of pollution continues to increase in the same way, the average temperature of the earth will increase at the rate of 0.3 degrees Celsius per decade in the next two decades. Which is worrying.

Due to this increase in temperature, all the animals of the world will be disturbed and their life will be in danger. There will be a similar change in trees and plants. This will have the greatest impact on the population living around the ocean. Due to the rise in the water level, most of the cities situated on the sea coast will merge in these seas. Recently, some scientific studies suggest that if the continuation of spoilage in the climate continues in this manner, the number of deaths due to malnutrition and viral diseases can increase drastically.

Table 1 gives the details of the green house gases emitted due to various reasons and by different regions.

 Table 1 – Emission of Green House Gases
From power station21.3 percent
From industry16.8 percent
By traffic and trains

14 percent
From farming products12.5 percent
Using fossil fuels11.3 percent
From residential areas10.33 percent
Burning biomass10 percent
Burning trash

3.4 percent

Humans need to be vigilant to deal with this ecological crisis. Political powers around the world are embroiled in the debate as to who should be held responsible for the hot earth. Most nations believe that they are not causing global warming. But the truth is that anyone is responsible for this, everyone has to suffer. This debate will continue, but there are many small initiatives that if we start then we can contribute a little bit in saving the earth.

U.N. on global warming Talk

Members of the United Nations have taken the first steps to have a new climate treaty by 2015 and have begun negotiations on how they will meet this goal. The treaty will apply to developed and developing countries.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)The 195 signatories have started a debate in Baan on how they will work to achieve the target set at the Durban conference in December last year. Maite Nkoana Masha bane of South Africa, who presided over the inauguration ceremony, appealed to the member countries to abandon the old and unacceptable ways of negotiation. “Time is short and we have to take seriously the appeal of some of our brethren, especially countries with small islands,” he said, referring to small countries facing the sinking crisis due to rising sea levels.

According to the conference held in the old capital of Germany, the new treaty will be completed by 2015 and will be implemented from 2020. In this, the poor and rich countries will be kept in the same legal framework to stop global warming and reduce the emission of toxic gases. At present, there are different legal regulations related to environmental protection for developed and developing countries under the United Nations.

Critics say that these rules are no longer in accordance with the times. Most of the historical responsibility for global warming rests with the rich countries, but they say that it would be unfair to put the burden of solving the problem on them in future. Meanwhile, countries like China, India and Brazil are joining the list of those who emit the most toxic gases, who are making extensive use of coal, oil and gas to lift their population out of poverty. However, the average per capita consumption is still lower than Western countries.

The small sea countries and African countries have warned that there is a huge gap between the promises of emission reductions of gases and their need to stop global warming. Scientists say that if current emissions continue, the world’s temperature will increase by 4 degrees Celsius, while the UNFCC.C. Has reported a safe maximum increase of 2 ° C in 2011.
U.N.F.C.C.C. Has only decided that it has to share a shared, but separate, responsibility. This means that poor and rich economies will be burdened differently. The issues to be decided by 2015 are how much the country will cut, what will be the structure for implementing the treaty, what will be its legal status.

Developing countries are demanding goodwill from developed industrialized countries. They are appealing to the European Union to reiterate the Kyoto Treaty promises. It is the only treaty in which cuts in greenhouse gases were fixed. In contrast, the US, which has passed Kyoto, is seeking to increase its cut promises from emerging countries. The first meeting of the Green Climate Fund has been postponed, signaling further disputes. It is formed to collect 10 billion dollars to help poor countries.

Measures to stop global warming

Scientists and environmentalists say that CFC is mainly used to reduce global warming. The emission of gases will have to be stopped and for this, use of fries, air conditioners and other cooling machines will have to be reduced or machines which emit less CFC gas.

The smoke emanating from the chimneys of industrial units is harmful and the carbon dioxide released from them increases the heat. Measures have to be taken to prevent pollution in these units.

Environmental standards will have to be strictly followed to reduce the impact of smoke coming out of vehicles. Efforts will have to be made to reuse waste from industries and especially chemical units and stop felling of trees on priority and emphasize conservation of forests.

Renewable energy measures have to be taken care of, that if wind power, solar energy and hydroelectric power are taken care of instead of electricity produced from coal, then control of the gases that heat the atmosphere can be found and at the same time there is no fire prevention in the forests. Need to be installed.


what are the unknown harmful impact of global warming?

A gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is changing the Earth's climate permanently is due to global warming.

Important facts to know about global warming. 

    • Greenhouse gases traps heat and keep it close to the earth's surface making it liveable for humans and animals. However, global warming is due to the over emission of these gases and fossil fuels.
    • Atmosphere constitutes more of carbon dioxide today than at any point in the last 800,000 years. 
    • Global sea levels has risen by about 8 inches since 1870.
    • Due to this, Glaciers are shrinking, ice on rivers and lakes is drying up, plant and animal have shifted grounds and trees are flowering sooner. 
    • It puts coral reefs in danger as the ocean warms resulting in incidents of bleaching. 

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