Why there is Holiday only on Sunday?

Asked 04-Feb-2020
Viewed 1632 times

2 Answers


Do you know why Sunday is a holiday?

Why there is Holiday only on Sunday?

After working for a whole week, we all wait for Sunday. Because on Sundays all offices, schools and colleges are closed. But have you ever wondered why Sunday is celebrated as a public holiday in India. Because of which Sunday was declared as a holiday. Let us find out the reason behind declaring Sunday as a holiday.

History of declaring Sunday or Sunday as a holiday.
Why there is Holiday only on Sunday?
When the British ruled India, the mill workers had to work for seven days, they would not get any leave. Every Sunday, British officials used to go to church and pray, but there was no such tradition for mill workers. At that time Shri Narayan Meghaji Lokhande was the leader of mill laborers, he proposed weekly leave to the British and said that after working 6 days, one day a week should also be found to serve our country and society.
Why there is Holiday only on Sunday?
With this, he said that Sunday is the day of the Hindu deity "Khandoba", so Sunday should also be declared as a weekly holiday. But his proposal was rejected by the British authorities. But Lokhande did not give up and continued his struggle. Finally, after a long struggle of 7 years, on 10 June 1890, the British government finally declared Sunday as a day off. Surprisingly, the Indian government has never issued any orders regarding this.


Sunday is the most awaited day of week for every human being on this earth. It is regarded as a relief day from work and responsibilities. People make exciting plans for sunday like short trips, sunday binge, movies and many other entertainment planning. But why do we get this holiday, ever wondered?
Why there is Holiday only on Sunday?
It took 8 years long conflict to declare this day as a holiday. Narayan Meghaji Lokhande and British government had a legal fight between them for the sake of Sunday.
During the British power the time for working labours in cloth factory of our country was much higher. And no one took responsibility to take stand for those pity Indian labours.  
Why there is Holiday only on Sunday?
Then, Narayan Meghaji Lokhande raised his voice in favour of labours and considered as father of labour movement. In this fight he was supported by Jyotiba Phule.
Lokhande filed application for holiday on Sunday for the workers of cloth factory in 1881, but British government rejected his plea.  Then, he started his movement in 1881 which ended in 1889. He not only demanded for holiday on sunday but also asked the government to give the workers half an hour break from their work.  
Additionally, he made extensive efforts for the workers so that they can get payment of their work in 15 days and working hours could be cut down.  
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