What is HTTP Handler?

Asked 07-Dec-2019
Viewed 1374 times

1 Answer


What is HTTP Handler?

HTTP handlers are utilized by the ASP.NET web application server to deal with explicit solicitations dependent on augmentations. HTTPHandlers run as procedures in light of a solicitation made to the ASP.NET site. It is a class that actualizes the System.Web.IHttpHandler interface. Any class that actualizes the IHttpHandler interface can proceed as an objective for the approaching HTTP requests.

It is an extension based processor and answerable for satisfying solicitations from a program contingent upon record expansions. When HttpHandler gets any solicitation from the program, it checks the augmentation to check whether it can deal with that solicitation and plays out some predefined steps to react to that solicitation.
ASP.NET system offers a couple of default HTTP handlers. The most widely recognized handler is an ASP.NET page handler that procedures .aspx records.