What is CAS?

Asked 5 years ago
Viewed 852 times


What is CAS            

1 Answer


The Central Authentication Service is a solitary sign-on system protocol for the web. Its application objective is to allow a client to get to various applications while giving their certifications just a single time. It likewise permits web applications to confirm clients without accessing a client's security certifications, for example, a secret phrase.

The CAS framework utilizes the IAS LDAP to verify clients. The equivalent username and secret word you use to sign onto your IAS office PC, IAS email and IAS VPN will work with the CAS framework.  

At the point when you log out of the CAS, you are logged out of the considerable number of uses that utilization CAS for verification.  

At the point when you log out of an application utilizing CAS, that web application will either log you off that application or log you off the application and off the CAS. In the event that you are logged off the CAS, you may need to log once again into different applications utilizing CAS.  

To drive a logout of the CAS go the this site: https://cas.ias.edu/cas/logout


answered 4 years ago by Adriana Michele

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