What is MSIL?

Asked 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
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What is MSIL

1 Answer


The Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), otherwise called the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) is a lot of guidelines that are stage free and are produced by the language-explicit compiler from the source code. The MSIL is stage free and subsequently, it very well may be executed on any of the Common Language Infrastructure upheld situations, for example, the Windows .NET runtime.
The MSIL is changed over into a specific PC condition explicit machine code by the JIT compiler. This is done before the MSIL can be executed. Additionally, the MSIL is changed over into the machine code on a prerequisite premise for example the JIT compiler aggregates the MSIL as required as opposed to its entire.
Execution process in Common Language Runtime (CLR): The execution procedure that incorporates the production of the MSIL and the change of the MSIL into machine code by the JIT compiler is given as follows:
The source code is changed over into the MSIL by a language-explicit compiler in the assemble time of the CLR. Additionally, alongside the MSIL, metadata is likewise delivered in the aggregation. The metadata contains data, for example, the definition and mark of the sorts in the code, runtime data, and so forth.

A Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) get together is made by amassing the MSIL. This get together is fundamentally an assembled code library that is utilized for security, sending, forming, and so forth and it is of two kinds for example process get together (EXE) and library gathering (DLL).  
The JIT compiler at that point changes over the Microsoft Intermediate Language(MSIL) into the machine code that is explicit to the PC condition that the JIT compiler runs on. The MSIL is changed over into the machine code on a prerequisite premise for example the JIT compiler gathers the MSIL as required as opposed to its entire.  
The machine code got utilizing the JIT compiler is then executed by the processor of the PC.
answered 4 years ago by Adriana Michele

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