What are custom controls and user controls?

Asked 06-Dec-2019
Updated 21-Apr-2023
Viewed 608 times

1 Answer


Custom controls and user controls are two types of controls that are used in graphical user interface (GUI) development. They both provide a way to create reusable components for an application, but they differ in the way they are created and used.

Custom controls are controls that are created by the developer from scratch, using code. They are often used when the built-in controls provided by the GUI framework are not sufficient for the needs of the application. Custom controls can be created for a variety of purposes, such as displaying complex data or providing unique user interactions. They can be created using any programming language that is supported by the GUI framework.

What are custom controls and user controls

One of the benefits of custom controls is that they can be tailored to the specific needs of an application. For example, a custom control could be created to display data in a way that is more intuitive or informative than the built-in controls. Additionally, custom controls can be reused across multiple applications, which can save development time and effort.

User controls, on the other hand, are controls that are created by assembling other controls into a single control. They are often used when a particular combination of controls is needed in multiple places within an application. User controls are created using the GUI designer provided by the framework, and they can be saved and reused in other applications.

One of the benefits of user controls is that they can be created without writing any code. This makes them accessible to developers who may not be familiar with the programming language used by the framework. Additionally, user controls can be easily modified and updated, since they are made up of other controls that can be individually adjusted.

Both custom controls and user controls can be used to improve the user experience of an application. They provide a way to create unique and reusable components that can be used across multiple applications. When deciding whether to use custom controls or user controls, it is important to consider the specific needs of the application and the skills of the development team. Custom controls are best suited for complex interactions and unique data display needs, while user controls are better for simple combinations of controls that are used in multiple places.