'Tansen Samman' has been instituted by the government of which Indian State?

Asked 5 years ago
Viewed 953 times


Tansen Samman has been instituted by the government of which Indian State?

1 Answer


Every year in December in Behat village, Gwalior district, Madhya Pradesh, Tansen Samaan or Tansen Sangeet Samaroh is celebrated. It's a four-day musical festival. Artists and music fans from all around the world have gathered to pay respect to Tansen, the Great Indian Musical Maestro. The event is being held near Tansen's tomb by the Ustad Alauddin Khan Kala Evam Sangeet Academy, which is part of the Madhya Pradesh government's department of culture. Vocal and instrumental performances will be given by artists from all around India.

Tansen Samaroh began as a local festival, but it was transformed into a prominent national music festival thanks to the efforts of BV Keskar (1983 – 28 August 1984), who served as Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting between 1952 and 1962.

answered 3 years ago by Harshal Vispute

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