How many bits are there in a nibble?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 3508 times


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In computer data is stored in the form of binary numbers. Binary numbers are always stored in the form of 0 and 1. To cover the length of binary numbers we grouped them into a common length. The basic bit-lengths of binary numbers include bits, nibbles, and bytes. Each 1 or 0 in a binary number is called a bit and it is the smallest storage unit. There are 4 bits in a Nibble. It is also known as half-byte.

How many bits are there in a nibble?

Other than nibble units are as:
2 bits: crumb, quad, quarter.
4 bits: nibble.
5 bits: nickle
10 bits: deckle
16 bits: playte, chawmp word (on a 16-bit machine), (on a 32-bit machine), half-word (on a 32-bit machine).
18 bits: chawmp (on a 36-bit machine), half-word (on a 36-bit machine)
32 bits: dynner, gawble (on a 32-bit machine), word (on a 32-bit machine), longword (on a 16-bit machine).
36: word (on a 36-bit machine)
48 bits: gawble (under circumstances that remain obscure)
64 bits: double word (on a 32-bit machine).

answered 6 years ago by DILIP SINGH

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