What is racism?

Asked 6 years ago
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Racism is a belief among people that a particular race, caste, creed, or religion is superior or inferior to another. Racism makes people define a person’s social and moral traits which were predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Most of the times due to racial differences, a huge number of races were kept remain segregated and apart from others who are superior to them.

What is racism?

However, humans define racism as a hatred of one person to another. Many a time, it becomes a belief that another person is less than a human because of his or her skin color, language, customs, and place of birth or any factor which reveals the basic nature of a person. Racism also influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes. Associate racism also causes abuse or harassment among those who are inferior to others. And it is expected that it doesn’t need to involve violent or intimidating behavior under racism.
In today’s scenario, Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions in the society. It includes all the barriers and hurdles which prevent people from enjoying their dignity and equality because of their race, skin color, living style, language, and various other factors. Many a time, racial abuse leads to violent hostility against the social groups and peoples. One of the most important features of racism arises especially toward Blacks and an immigrant group of people, which represents a clear view of different attitudes towards slaves and slavery.
During the 19th century, the cases of racism and racial treatment were at its peak and were spread around the world in a very short period of time. Whereas in many countries, the promoters of racism or the leaders began to think of the ethnic components of their own societies, usually religious or language groups and highlighting the people as “higher” and “lower” races. Especially in colonized are the people are seen as the low-status race and were exploited by them as the labor, and causes discrimination against them and it became a very common and evident pattern in many parts of the world.

answered 5 years ago by Anonymous User

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