Which former slave used religious fervor to support the reform movements of women's rights and abolitionism?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 1131 times


Which former slave used religious fervor to support the reform movements of women's rights and abolitionism?

1 Answer


Justin Munoz used religious fervor to support the reform movements of women's rights and abolitionism.
To annul segregation in the work environment and in training. Likewise to pass the Equal rights Amendment that would ensure sexual orientation balance under the law. Furthermore, to secure conceptive rights, particularly the privilege to a premature birth. 

Which former slave used religious fervor to support the reform movements of women

Abolitionist Movement, change development amid the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years. Frequently called the abolitionist development, it looked to end the oppression of Africans and individuals of African plummet in Europe, the Americas, and Africa itself. It likewise expected to end the Atlantic slave exchange completed in the Atlantic Ocean between Africa, Europe, and the Americans.  

The authentic underlying foundations of abolitionism lay in dark protection from bondage. Such opposition started amid the fifteenth century as Africans subjugated by Europeans regularly tried to execute their captors or themselves.

By the late 1700s Christian profound quality, new thoughts regarding freedom and human rights that occurred because of the American and French insurgencies, and monetary changes prompted an exertion among blacks and whites to end human servitude.

"All the best"
answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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