How did the cuban missle crisis impact the united states?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 478 times


How did the cuban missle crisis impact the united states?

1 Answer


The Cuban Missile Crisis was a seminal event in the Cold War and one which had a profound impact on the United States. It was a time of great tension when the world held its breath and prayed for a peaceful resolution. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a turning point in the Cold War.

The Crisis began on October 16, 1962, when the Soviet Union began to secretly install nuclear missiles in Cuba. The United States, which had been monitoring Soviet military activity in the region, discovered the missiles on October 22.

President John F. Kennedy was notified of the discovery on October 24. He convened a meeting of his top national security advisers to discuss the situation.

The advisers recommended a course of action that would block the Soviet Union from shipping more missiles to Cuba and would also force the Soviets to remove the missiles that were already there. Kennedy decided to implement this plan, which became known as the 'quarantine.'

The quarantine was a naval blockade of Cuba that prevented Soviet ships from delivering more missiles to the island. It was a risky move, as it could have led to a nuclear war. The quarantine went into effect on October 26. On the same day, Kennedy went on television to announce the quarantine and to explain the reasons for it. He also issued a warning to the Soviet Union that the United States would not tolerate the presence of nuclear missiles in Cuba.

The Soviet Union responded to the quarantine by putting its own missiles on alert and by sending letters to Kennedy threatening to use nuclear weapons if the United States attacked Cuba. The Crisis came to a head on October 27, when a U-2 spy plane was shot down over Cuba. The pilot, Francis Gary Powers, was captured by the Soviets.

The United States and the Soviet Union came close to the brink of nuclear war, but the Crisis was ultimately resolved peacefully. On November 20, the Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from Cuba in exchange for the United States removing its missiles from Turkey.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a major victory for the United States, as it showed the world that the United States would not tolerate the presence of nuclear weapons in its backyard. The Crisis also showed the Soviet Union that the United States was willing to take firm action to defend its interests.

The Cuban Missile Crisis had a profound impact on American society. It led to an increase in public support for the Kennedy administration and a decline in support for the Soviet Union. The Crisis also had a lasting impact on American foreign policy. The United States became more committed to defending its interests around the world, and it developed a more aggressive stance towards the Soviet Union.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a major event in the history of the United States, and it had a significant impact on the course of the Cold War.


answered 2 years ago by Subhamay Ganai

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