What is fitness?

Asked 17-Sep-2018
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Fitness is characterized as 'the capacity to do everyday assignments with power and readiness, without undue weakness, and with adequate vitality to appreciate relaxation time interests and react to crises.' Fitness is significantly more than essentially working out on a predictable premise.

What is fitness?

Staying fit is not an option
Staying fit is not an option. This is part of a lifestyle. Exercise does not just cure the body, it also affects our attitudes. Exercising daily increases our focus and capacity to perform a task. We are ready to learn new ones. Make better decisions. Work is completed on time and correctly with a decent fitness.

What is fitness?

Being fit also removes tiredness and our body is charged throughout a day. Indian philosophy focuses on the health of soul more than the body. But there is also the need to keep the body simple in the journey to reach the soul. Swami Vivekananda insisted on the strength of the body that the weak body makes us slaves easily by others. 

What is fitness?

These days I have noticed that going for a workout or exercising daily been portrayed as a taboo but the fact is far different. Treating fitness like a taboo shows how unaware and careless our surrounding is regarding it. Just like our daily routine life and activities, the fitness related activities like exercising or working out should be a part of our lifestyle.