Who is the author of the book " The Paradise lost"?

Asked 12-Sep-2018
Viewed 1067 times

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“The Paradise Lost” is an epic poem in blank verse, it’s been known as one of the finest work of “John Milton”. Originally the poem was published in 10 books in 1667 with over Ten Thousand lines of verse. Later, the 7th book and 10th book each splitten into two parts, then total in 12 parts the poem has been published as its second edition in 1674.

Who is the author of the book " The Paradise lost"?
Many scholars and critics considered ‘The Paradise Lost’ to be one of the greatest poems of John Milton in the English Language. The poem narrates the great story of ‘Adam and Eve’ in language that is an excellent achievement of rhythm and sound. He has been named as one of the greatest English poets of his time.
The main characters of the poem wereGod, Lucifer (Satan), Adam and Eve. Many things have been written about John Milton’s powerful and sympathetic characterization of ‘Lucifer’ (Satan). Milton scholar John Leonard interpreted the non-pious war between Heaven and Hell as Civil War.