When was the Endurance: My Year in Space and Our Journey to Mars written?

Asked 6 years ago
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When was the Endurance: My Year in Space and Our Journey to Mars written?

1 Answer


The book ‘Endurance: My Year in Space and Our Journey to Mars’ was published in November 2017. The book was written by “Scott Joseph Kelly”, an Astronaut of NASA. The book was published by ‘Alfred A. Knopf’.

When was the Endurance: My Year in Space and Our Journey to Mars written?

Scott spends about a year in the International Space Station and returned on Earth in March 2016. The book is a memoir written by him, which gives a glimpse of Scott’s journey to space and his life in the International Space Station. He started his one year space journey on March 27, 2015. Then he started his expedition 43 and continued through the entire expedition 44 and 45 as well. Later, he handed over his command to ‘Timothy Kopra’ on February 29, 2016. This is how to spend one year in International Space Station and returned back to earth by Soyuz TMA-18M on March 1, 2016.
His identical twin brother ‘Mark Kelly’ was also an Astronaut. These are the only siblings who traveled to space. Scott is an Engineer by profession, and a retired American Astronaut and a retired U.S. Navy Captain. He has first been on the Space Journey as a Space Flight pilot of Space Shuttle discovery during STS-103 in December 1999.
In October 2015, he created the record for the whole accumulated variety of days spent in Space by an American Astronaut i.e. total of 522 days in the space. Whereas, for the International Space Station, in a yearlong space expedition, he spent a total of 340 consecutive days in the space. He was in association with NASA for about 20 long years, then took retirement from his service on April 1, 2016. In his book, he narrated all his experiences and difficulties he encountered and endured during his period of being in Space.

answered 5 years ago by Anonymous User

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