who wrote the Playing It My Way and When?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 491 times


who wrote the Playing It My Way  and When?

1 Answer


“Playing it My Way” is an Autobiography of the world famous “Sachin Tendulkar”. He is an ex-Indian Cricket Player, the book is penned by “Boria Majumdar” and “Sachin Tendulkar” himself. The book was released on November 6, 2014.
who wrote the Playing It My Way  and When?
Boria Majumdar is an Indian Sports Journalist, Author, and Academician. He was a ‘Rhodes Scholar’ from ‘University of Oxford’, where he was awarded the degree of DPhil in History.
Sachin Tendulkar is the former International Cricketer of Indian Team and known as one of the greatest batsmen of all times. He is the highest run scorer in the International Cricket in all formats.
The book got an entry in the “Limca Book of Records “for being the Best Selling book in both Fictional and Non-Fictional Category in 2016. The book was published under the “Hachette India” Publication House and sold about 1, 50,290 copies on confirmed order subscriptions.
answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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