What is an Adjournment Motion?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 444 times

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An adjournment motion is submitted in Parliament to raise the attention of members of the House to a pressing public issue. To be accepted, it needs the support of 50 members. It's a remarkable mechanism since it halts the House's routine operations. It should only bring up one pressing issue. It should not be phrased in broad strokes. It should contain any case that is currently being decided by the court. It also shouldn't create any issues that may be addressed in another motion. It should not cover any topics that have already been covered during the same meeting. It should also avoid bringing up the issue of privilege.

What is an Adjournment Motion?

Adjournment motions are not permissible in the Rajya Sabha. The debate on the motion to adjourn shall not take less than 2 hours and 30 minutes. It is distinct from the gestures used to draw attention; the two should not be confused.

answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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