Why is Kumbh Mela celebrated? How was it started?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 883 times


Why is Kumbh Mela celebrated? How was it started?

1 Answer


Kumbh gets its name from the eternal Pot of Nectar, which the Demigods (Devtas) and Demons (Asuras) battled about, portrayed in old Vedic sacred writings known as the Puranas. It is these Vedic literary works that have stood the trial of time, out of which the convention has developed into the one that the world currently knows as The Kumbh Mela. Legend tells a story from the past days of the universe when the demigods and the evil spirits conjointly delivered the nectar of interminability.

Why is Kumbh Mela celebrated? How was it started?

The demigods, on the grounds that reviled, were injured of dread that in the long run made them frail. The undertaking being excessively solid for only them, the demigods made a common concurrence with the evil spirits to finish it in full and offer the nectar of everlasting status down the middle. It is said that the demigods and the evil spirits amassed on the shore of the drain sea that lies in the divine district of the universe. Furthermore, it started!

For the undertaking of stirring the drain sea, the Mandara Mountain was utilized as the agitating pole, and Vasuki, the lord of serpents, turned into the rope for beating. With the demigods at Vasuki's tail and the evil spirits at his head, the agitating started. At to begin with, the beating of the drain sea created a dangerous toxic substance which Lord Shiva drank without being influenced.

As Lord Shiva drank the toxin, a couple of drops tumbled from his hands which were licked by scorpions, snakes, and comparative other savage animals. Likewise, amid the beating, the Mandara Mountain started to sink profound into the sea, seeing which Lord Vishnu incarnated as an awesome tortoise and bolstered the mountain on His back. At long last, numerous obstacles and after 1000 years, Dhanwantari showed up with the Kumbh of undying nectar in his grasp. The demigods, being frightful of the evil spirits' evil aim, coercively grabbed the pot with its security endowed onto the four Gods - Brahaspati, Surya, Shani, and Chandra.
Devils, subsequent to discovering that their piece of the assention has not been kept, pursued the demigods and for 12 days and 12 evenings, the pursuit proceeded. Wherever the demigods ran with the pot of nectar, wild battling resulted. It is trusted that amid this pursuit, a couple of drops from the Kumbh fell at four spots - Allahabad, Haridwar, Ujjain, and Nasik.

There is additionally a pervasive legend that it was really the evil presences that were being pursued by the demigods for 12 days and 12 evenings, amid which the drops of mixture of everlasting status fell at these four spots. These four spots are since accepted to have procured otherworldly powers. Since 12 days of Gods are comparable to 12 years for people;

the Kumbh Mela is commended once like clockwork in every one of the four spots - banks of stream Godavari in Nasik, waterway Kshipra in Ujjain, stream Ganges in Haridwar, and at the Sangam of Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati in Allahabad, where the drops are accepted to have fallen. A great many faithful, meet up to share in formal showering and functions to wash down themselves of all transgressions.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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