What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don't want to go to the gym?

Asked 11-Mar-2018
Viewed 845 times


What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don't want to go to the gym?

1 Answer


*Don't Wanna Hit The GYM... Get going with this..!*

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

While there are N-number of the reason that you should hit a “GYM”, well I believe just having a membership does not actually worth your body for shaping you fit…

Workouts at home are the magnificent way to give your body a shape, without actually hitting to some hi-fi fitness studio or weight room, along with some phenomenal ways to sweat outdoors as well. Getting yourself on the floor for equipment-free exercise… where the only requirement is of your bodyweight hitting to some high-intensity cardio routines… which results in the pumping of your heart without a treadmill and the options are millions.

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

Well, this would be for those who are running out of time and money and are not a gym-geeks, these 5 work-outs would make you fall in love with your body when you allow to sweat it out at your pace. Whether 4 or 30 minutes, cardio or strength, butts or arms, these outdoor and at-home workouts options which you are into… you can mix and match up with your routine for achieving your set goals and your lifestyle.

Are you ready to sweat it out…?

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

And start your day with these exercises which would get your shape and makes you feel rejuvenated in the tiring days of the week…

1. Walk-Out Push-Up: 

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

Well, this particular move would aim at the multiple groups of the muscle and is inclusive of variant planes of movement, and thus led in the acceleration of your heart rate at a good and healthy pace.

Learn how it is done… Start with… standing with your feet in a way as it is about a hip-width distance apart. Gently fold it forward at the hips, making your hands feel the floor. As you hand touches the floor, gently make a forward move by your hand till the time your spine gets a neutral posture and your body gains a posture of a starting point for a push-up. Now, perform a push-up and then walk back your hand roll back gently to the initial posture.

2. Standard Squat:

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

Squats actually push the brain for its active participation… To get the correct posture of the foot; to concentrate on the equilibrium distribution of the weight between the right and the left leg; to maintain a posture of straight spin and chest high; to engage the glutes; to take a pause during the direction flip in accordance to restrict the momentum from building; and last but not the least a complete elongation of the hips while standing.

3. Jumping Jacks :

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

A lot of people are in habit to roll their eyes at the hoary jumping-jack. Well, the dash of tricks which is been played is so beneficial when it comes to getting your fitness on a functional track… The Neurotransmitters that live in the feet are rendered so sluggish because of shoe-filled, inactive lives. An impact of light is phenomenal for waking-up those critters up. Similar to the jacks, walk-out when executed in a controlled manner also help several muscles all together to work thus resulting in heating up the rate of the heart.

4. Hip Bridge:

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

Well, folks just love this move as this would be led you lean down on the floor. “A level of relaxation for everyone!” Woahooooo!!! Unlike the squats, the brain is actively participating in this move as well… Breathing, placement of the foot and the weight distribution are the vital elements to make it work out perfectly. Another addition to it is to keep your toes stick to the floor which would make a stable proprioception. When your toes are on the floor, the combination of glutes and hamstrings perhaps engage and help in the elongation of the hips as the body initiates a change in direction.

5. Plank:

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don

The classification of the upper body work for the traditional folks lie in the prime category who are recognized to be as PPHC- Pushing, Pulling, Holding and Carrying. No wonder on this fact that this particular move churns the various combination of muscles which are been utilized, but as we are more focused on the functioning of the traditional life, stabilization of the gluteo-hip and rib cage region are been worked upon mostly on such kind of activities which has the involvement of any sort of movement made by arms which are been taught over here… A plank-flip at a beginner level just switch the encasement muscles of the rib cage and the vital muscles which should not be left…!

Well, I guess following this routine entirely would help you grow fit and make you fall in love with the shape of your body more!

What is the proper way of working out (exercise methods) if I don
