Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1896 to carry on humanitarian relief and social work?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 1888 times


Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1896 to carry on humanitarian relief and social work?

1 Answer


Ramakrishna Mission was founded by “Swami Vivekanand” whose real name is ‘Narendranath Dutta’ in 1896, to carry out Humanitarian Relief and Social Work. Vivekanand was the great follower and very much inspired by the Indian saint ‘Ramakrishna Paramhamsa’, so following his disciple, Vivekanand founded the math on his name on May 1, 1896.

Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1896 to carry on humanitarian relief and social work?
The Ramakrishna Mission follows four yogic ideals i.e. Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja Yoga. The motto the mission follows is, ‘Atmano Mokshartham Jagat Hitaya Cha’ it means in English, ‘For one’s own Salvation and for the Welfare of the World’. It is a Hindu religious and Spiritual organization founded in Kolkata, West Bengal. The mission is dedicated towards humanity, regardless of color, creed, and nationality. The Mission also work in other fields like Medical Work, Education, Rural Development, Meditations, Cultural Programs, and relief work during the emergency phase. Both Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Math have their headquarters at the ‘Belur Math’.
Ramakrishna Mission is registered in which monks of Ramakrishna Math and their followers perform various types of social services in India and other countries as well. Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Math both are different and separated in terms of legality and financially. But they are considered as twin organizations because they are closely inter-related to each other in many other ways. Ramakrishna Mission is a Non-Political and a Non-Sectarian Organization.
Not only in India whereas the people from Western Countries were very much influenced by the life and messages of Swami Vivekanand. Even many of his admirers became his disciple or devoted friend. Few of them are ‘Margaret Noble’ famously known as ‘Sister Nivedita’, Captain and Mrs. Sevier, Josephine McLeod, and Sara Ole Bull.
Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1896 to carry on humanitarian relief and social work?
Vivekanand promoted his work and lectured his Hindu Philosophy at various places in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Now, the mission has been in existence in India for more than a Century. And slowly it developed as a Worldwide Organization which includes countries like England, US, France, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Singapore, and Burma.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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