In the National Flag, which colour is used in the wheel?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 700 times


In the National Flag, which colour is used in the wheel?

1 Answer


The wheel of the Indian flag lies in the center and the color of the flag’s Ring is navy blue with a white band.

In the National Flag, which colour is used in the wheel?


The trend to use the Flag to represent the community was started in ancient India as the old communist people used to represent any symbol or any slogan by which they can easily spread their reach to the maximum extent.
In India, the ritual of representation the dominance was also used by the great ruler of Medival and Modern Indian leaders as the Sivaji and Akbar, and many more.
The ancient ritual of having a Hologram or any other representation sign is now converted into the new flags which are continued in practice by almost every country.
Nowadays the number of countries that are registered under the name of the United Nations is 193. They all have a unique flag that represents the address of that country. Similarly, India also has its flag which is known as the ‘National Flag’ of the country.

Indian Flag

The Indian Flag was adopted as in the first constituent assembly on 22 July 1947 as just before the few days of the Independence Day was on 15th August 1947. In India, the term ‘tricolor’ represents the National Flag of the country.
The Indian Flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya.
Before the Ashok Chakra, which is used in the flag, the Charka was used.

Colour of Indian Flag
Indian Flag has three colors and is also known as the ‘Tricolor’ in the symbol of the National Flag.
The three coulors are Kesharia, Green, and White.
It also consists of one ring in the structure that is known as the flag wheel which has been taken from the Ashok Pillar.
The ratio of its width and height is 3:2
The Ashok Chakra has 24 evenly spaced spokes.

answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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