Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution of 1949 have been given under the articles of 12 to 35 and are being utilized by every citizen of India.

In the country which has a democratic form of government country that will of course talk about the Fundamental rights of its citizens and will talk about the duties of the citizens.
The constitution-makers during that time thought the necessity of the Fundamental Rights are so necessary and that’s why they placed them just starting the constitution.
Fundamental Rights are the basic needs for living as the Right to life and many more.
Fundamental Rights
The Fundamental Rights of the constitution of India are statute I part III and they are placed under articles 12 to 35 in the constitution.
The first needs for such fundamental Rights were raised in the Constitution of India Bill of 1895. The bill is also known as the Swaraj Bill of 1895.
The Fundamental Rights are described below
Right to Equality
The Right to equality is the Right that provides the Right to the citizens of the nation in terms of equality.
Right to freedom
Right to information
Right to life
Right to constitutional remedies.
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