The first Five-Year Plan in India was launched in the year?

Asked 6 years ago
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The first Five-Year Plan in India was launched in the year?

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In 2018, India is in its 13th Five-Year Plan. The 1st Five-Year Plan was introduced in the year 1951 and continued to the year 1956. The 1st Five-Year Plan was introduced by the First Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru.
The 1st Five-Year Plan was mainly focused on the development of The Primary Sector. At this time India was facing many serious problems like Shortage of Food, Excess entry of Refugees. After the Second World War and Partition of India; India was facing many problems with the disequilibrium in the Economy. So, in 1st Plan, the highest priority was given to Agriculture to overcome the crisis of food.
The first Five-Year Plan in India was launched in the year?
Objectives of the 1st Five-Year Plan are as follows:
  1. To increase the Production of Crops.
  2.  Increase in National Income and maintain the equilibrium in the Economy.
  3. Many dams were built to increase the irrigation and provide proper water supply to the maximum.
  4. Major Technical Institute i.e. 5 IITs (Indian Institute of Technology) has been introduced under the University Grant Commission (UGC) to provide funding for institutes and to strengthen the Higher Education in the Country.
  5. Introduction of 5 Steel Plants and contract has been signed to start production in the middle of 2nd Five-Year Plan.
The 1st Five-Year Plan was very successful and the crop production was more than the expected due to the good rainfall in that period.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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