If I do 100 squats per day for 100 days will I get the lean lower body?

Asked 10-Mar-2018
Viewed 884 times


If I do 100 squats per day for 100 days will I get the lean lower body?

1 Answer


100 free squats each day will show signs of improved legs than most have in the western world. High rep squats require a considerable measure of oxygen and make a full body require unhealthy to consume. Squats enhance assimilation and disposal of waste. Additionally, high rep Squats assemble awesome cardio. Squats are lord for testosterone discharge which takes action to get exceptionally strong.

If I do 100 squats per day for 100 days will I get the lean lower body?

Will you have the squat intensity of a weightlifter or powerlifter? No… yet you won't be too far-removed either. You will have jackrabbit legs and from a utilitarian point of view be in an ideal situation at any rate. In the event that you do choose to include weighted squaring after 100 bodyweight squats… your advance will be better. I can break out 100 constant bodyweight squats and afterward complete a couple of sets of copies or singles of 600lb deadlifts. I got companions that deadlift 650 as well, however, can't do even 40 bodyweight squats consecutively. They are the ones with terrible backs and legs that stay solid for a considerable length of time.

If I do 100 squats per day for 100 days will I get the lean lower body?

Begin ordinary with 100 bodyweight squats and afterward include expansion preparing. The testosterone discharge alone is justified, despite all the trouble and will get you miles and miles more out if your motor and practical years out of your life.

"All the best"