The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched in 2005 by the government of India with the aim of improving the health care system in rural areas and addressing health inequities between rural and urban populations.
NRHM focuses on improving access to quality healthcare services for rural citizens, with a particular emphasis on women, children, and vulnerable communities. The program works to strengthen public health systems, expand health coverage, and improve the quality of health care services. It also aims to increase community involvement in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of health services.
One of the key components of NRHM is the strengthening of primary health care services, including the provision of essential drugs, vaccines, and medical equipment. The mission also focuses on improving the availability of medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, and other health workers, in rural areas. Additionally, NRHM aims to promote healthy behaviours and lifestyles through community-based health promotion and disease prevention programs.

NRHM has had a significant impact on health outcomes in rural areas since its launch. For example, maternal and child health indicators, such as maternal mortality and neonatal mortality, have improved significantly in states that have effectively implemented NRHM. The program has also helped to increase access to essential health services, such as immunization and family planning, for rural populations.
However, the implementation of NRHM has faced several challenges, including limited funds, inadequate infrastructure and human resources, and weak monitoring and evaluation systems. Additionally, the limited public health infrastructure and workforce in rural areas has made it difficult to fully realize the goals of the mission.
Despite these challenges, the government of India has continued to prioritize the implementation of NRHM and has made efforts to address these issues. For example, the government has increased funding for the mission, developed training programs for health workers, and established a robust monitoring and evaluation system.
In conclusion, the National Rural Health Mission has played a crucial role in improving health care services and health outcomes in rural areas of India. While the mission has faced several challenges, the government of India is committed to addressing these challenges and improving health care services in rural areas.