STEP is the abbreviated name of a welfare program in India, which stands for Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women. This program was launched in 1986 by the Government of India with the aim of empowering women through skill development and employment generation.

The STEP program provides training and employment opportunities for women in a variety of sectors, including agriculture, industry, handicrafts, and services. The program also provides support for self-employment ventures and entrepreneurship, with a focus on promoting sustainable and viable livelihoods for women.
The objectives of the STEP program include:
- To improve the employability of women through skill development and training programs.
- To provide employment opportunities for women, particularly in the informal sector.
- To promote entrepreneurship and self-employment among women.
- To enhance the participation of women in the development process.
The program is implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, and is funded by the central government. The program provides financial assistance to NGOs, government agencies, and other organizations to carry out training and employment activities for women.
Under the STEP program, women are provided with training in a range of skills, such as tailoring, embroidery, food processing, and computer applications. The program also provides support for self-help groups and women's cooperatives, which enable women to collectively undertake income-generating activities and build their capacities.
The STEP program has been successful in empowering women and improving their socio-economic status. It has helped women to gain access to employment opportunities, build their skills, and increase their incomes. The program has also contributed to the overall development of women in India, by enhancing their participation in the economic and social spheres.
In conclusion, STEP is the abbreviated name of a welfare program in India, which stands for Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women. This program was launched in 1986 by the Government of India with the aim of empowering women through skill development and employment generation. The program provides training and employment opportunities for women in a variety of sectors, and has been successful in improving the socio-economic status of women in India.