District Primary Education Programme was initiated in which year?

Asked 7 years ago
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District Primary Education Programme was initiated in which year?

1 Answer


The midway—supported plan of the District Primary Education Program (DPEP) was propelled in 1994 as a significant activity to revive the essential instruction framework and to accomplish the target of universalization of essential training.

DPEP receives an all-encompassing way to deal with universalize access, maintenance, and improve learning accomplishment and to lessen aberrations among social gatherings.

Receiving a "zone explicit methodology" with the region as the unit, of arranging, the key methodologies of the program have been to hold the sensitivity to neighborhood conditions and guaranteeing full cooperation of the network. It additionally tries to fortify the limit of national, state, and locale establishments and associations, for arranging, the executives, and expert help in the field of essential instruction.

DPEP depends on the rule of "also" and is organized to fill in the current holes by giving contributions far beyond the arrangements made under focal and state division plans for essential instruction. The state governments are required to in any event keep up consumption in genuine terms at the base year level.

The fundamental targets of DPEP are :

1. To give all youngsters access to essential training through either the formal or non-formal stream.

2. To lessen contrasts in enrolment, drop-out rates, and learning accomplishment among sexual orientation and more fragile segment gatherings to under five percent.

3. To lessen by and large essential dropout rates for all kids to under 10 percent.

4. To increase the normal accomplishment rate by 25 percent by estimated pattern level and guaranteeing accomplishment of essential proficiency and numeracy abilities and least of 40 percent accomplishment in different skills by all essential instruction youngsters.

The greater part of the assets for DPEP originated from global bodies, for example, UNICEF, ODA (UK), SIDA (Sweden), Netherlands, and so forth. The main period of the program was propelled in 42 areas in the conditions of Assam, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh.

Later the program was propelled in 80 regions of Orissa, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Gujarat. The effect investigations of the primary stage ventures are extremely positive.

The DPEP has had an unequivocal effect on expanding enrolment, diminishing stagnation, and improving study hall exchange. While the DPEP has been operational in reverse regions with female proficiency underneath the national normal, absolute proficiency crusade has fired up the interest for basic training.

DPEP is a remotely helped venture. 85 percent of the task cost is met by the Central Government and the staying 15 percent is shared by the concerned state government. The focal government share is resourced through outside help.

At present outside help of about Rs. 6,938 crore making Rs. 5,137 as credit from IDA and Rs. 1,801 crore as award from DFID/UNICEF and Netherlands has been tied up for DPEP, (DFID is Department for International Development (UK), SIDA is Swedish International Development Authority).

answered 4 years ago by Anonymous User

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