I think doing regular yoga is the best and perfect exercise for losing weight. It is an effective tool for weight loss. Well, many believe that yoga is not fast-paced enough to burn the number of calories required for true weight loss. While everyone is different.
If you really want to lose weight than yoga is the best option. For losing weight it has a direct result of committed yoga practice coupled with a planned based diet. No other exercise or any gym equipment is required.
Yoga demands a great deal of both physical and mental strength, focus, endurance, and flexibility. To truly grasp the concept of weight loss you must understand the three layers who I personally experienced the mind, body, and soul, each layer depends on effects of other two.
After all, yoga builds total body strength like nobody’s business. Activity or have just ignored by outright in favor of other calorie torching pursuits, it’s time to turn up the burn with yoga. The key is finding the right form of yoga for your weight loss goals.
I have seen many people not associate yoga with weight loss because on the surface it appears you are just standing still in a lot of different poses. The first time I did yoga I figured it would be a breeze because I am a pretty athlete. I almost pass out in the first 10 minutes. Not only was I not as flexible as I thought but my muscle wasn’t strong as I expected them to be. Yoga is something that needs to be practiced for many years before it can mastered. You’ll find yourself feeling the muscle that you didn’t even provide you with a full body workout.
So, here I like to share some easy yoga Asanas to help you lose weight fast.

in this yog, If you’re bending properly, you will actually feel a strong stretch in the harm strings. Hold for 5-6 breaths. If you feel comfortable enough, clasp the hand behind the back. Try to bring them up towards the ceiling to give the arms and shoulders an extra stretch.

This pose will help you for stretching the hips. It will also help increase your flexibility for the splits if that happens to be one of your goals. Make sure your front knee is as close to 90 degrees as possible. Hold for 30 sec and repeat on the other side.

This is a great yoga asana for weight loss because it directly works the tummy. You’ll feel your abs muscles working hard as you try to hold his pose. Put your palms down on the ground for balance, raise the left first. When you feel stable enough, raise the arms so that they are parallel with the ground. Hold for 39 seconds. If you feel comfortable in this pose, try straitening the legs for an extra challenge.

It’s harder to balance in this pose than it looks. Brings your left foot in to rest on the inside of your left thigh. Keep your back straight. Your body may have a tendency to lean forward when trying to balance but bring your shoulder back up.

This is the yoga version of squat hold and also deserved a spot amongst the yoga asanas for weight loss. this pose is similar to squatting pose. Try to get your thighs as close to parallel to the floor as possible without compromising your form.