Providing Large Carts
Traditional marketing strategies of supermarkets were having relatively larger carts than today's market store. Modern Marketing follows that larger stores have products in bulk sell them to the consumers, they should provide large carts to influence the sale. to
The instant catch with brands
Supermarkets locate the products at the height of customer's eyes. This is the way to influence catching and buying at the earliest before any casualties take place. On the contrary, the cheapest items are placed at the bottom as eyes usually swipe right than scrolling down.
Pleasing ambiance
Pleasant ambiance inclusive of music, fragrance, cleanliness, wide space to walk, etc. engages more traffic than stores with inefficient facilities of buying and selling.
Price including '9'
Old But Gold. This method of catching sight of customer's eyes is perfect as buyers tend to notice the first digit only and do not count the cash. Therefore, they think that a product priced at 9.90 costs 9Re, when in actuality it costs about 10 rupees.
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