Mostly which gases found of the planet Jupiter?

Asked 7 years ago
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The Jupiter’ planet is known as the biggest planet of the Solar System and the gases which are found in the abundance are Hydrogen’ (H2) and Helium (He).

 Mostly which gases found of the planet Jupiter?

Jupiter’s overview and its atmosphere

  • Jupiter is also called a gaseous giant planet due to the presence of many gasses and the clouds that are formed with the help of those gases. The same as the sun it has Hydrogen and Helium gasses in huge percentage in its atmosphere. The planet looks like it has some strips and the reason behind this is the presence of the various gasses and the clouds formed with those gases.
  • Jupiter looks like a great big red storm that revolves at a high speed and at its highest point it acts as a wild hurricane. The storm which develops in Jupiter is three and a half times more than the Diameter of earth. It is a very windy planet and the range of its wind can vary from 192 mph to more than 400 mph.
  • Jupiter has three very thin Rings which are discovered by NASA’s Voyager-1 Spacecraft in 1979 and these are formed with the dust material that is present in the atmosphere of Jupiter.
  • The Day of Jupiter is equal to only 6 hrs of the earth’s time which shows the speed of Jupiter which is faster in comparison to the other planets. And the orbit around the sun of its circulation is elliptical as same as the earth. Jupiter takes 12 years to complete the one circulation of the Sun it means that the one year of Jupiter is equal to the 12 years of the earth.
  • The temperature of Jupiter in the core of its center is much more than the surface of the Sun which is about 24,000 degrees Celcius. And the temperature of the winds that are moving in the atmosphere of Jupiter is very cold which is minus 145 degrees Celcius and the temperature near the planet center is so hotter.

  • The gravity of Jupiter is 2.4 times the gravity of earth. It means that if a person stands out on the surface of the earth and at that time its weight is 100 pounds then on the surface of Jupiter the weight of the same person will become 240 pounds on Jupiter and this is due to the big size of it.
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answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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