Statue of Liberty has become a well-known and iconic symbol of America. However, Liberty has undergone various changes and modification in a period of more than a Century i.e. about 132 years.
Some of the amazing facts related to the Statue of Liberty are as following:

- Lady Liberty has a lot of nicknames; like America’s Great Lady, Aunt Liberty, America’s Freedom, Bartholdi’s Daughter, Grande Dame, Green Goddess, Giant Goddess, The Lady Higher Up, Lady of the Harbor, Lady with a Torch, Lady on a Pedestal, Mother of Freedom, Mother of Exiles, Saint Liberty, and the Spirit of American Independence.
- Amazingly, the famous name ‘Statue of Liberty’ is also a nickname for the lady. Its real name is “Liberty Enlightening the World”.
- It was a gift for America from France, which was presented to America in the year 1886.
- The Pedestal area around the liberty was used to be the home for Military Families from 1818 until the mid-1930s.
- Earlier people were allowed to climb to the top of the liberty i.e. the torch flame of the statue. But in 1916 a tourist climbs up to it and blow up himself along with 2 Million Tons of War materials. The explosion was equal to the intensity of an Earthquake of 5.5 on the Richter Scale.
- The torch presently seen on the hand of the liberty is not real, it has been made again to complete the structure and after that, the people have been barred to climb at the top of the statue.
- The Statue of Liberty has a lookalike I.e. a sister statue and a Lighthouse in Egypt, at the entrance of the Suez Canal named as “Egypt Carrying Light to Asia”.
- The original color of Liberty was used be like a new shiny penny which it is made up of Copper metal, but due to oxidation reaction with the salty moist air, in just a period of about 20 years, the liberty looks like greenish-blue in color what it is now as well.
- The total height of the Liberty is 93 meters and weights 204 metric tons.
- The shoe size of the Liberty is 879.
- The waistline of Liberty is 35-foot.
- The spikes of the crown are not part of the crown. Actually, the spikes are total 7 in number as the crown of the Lady Liberty, but these 7 spikes represent the 7 seas and continents of the world.
- The statue has a broken shackle, which symbolizes that the country is moving ahead from oppression and slavery phase. As well as, the right leg of the statue looks like is been moving forward towards the new and free era.